Rodney and Cathy Fitzsimmons
The Fitzsimmons Family - Carpenter’s Project
Rodney and Cathy have been serving the country of Haiti since 1983. Over their 30+ years of church planting ministry in Haiti, hundreds of souls have been saved, 13 churches have been established, and the Berean Baptist Bible School - started in the late 90s - presently enrolls over 450 students training for the ministry and Christian service.
Rodney and Cathy have two children and five grandchildren. Both of their children and their spouses are active in the ministry.
Walter & Simone Stevens
The stevens Family - HUNGARY & ROMANIA
Walter Stevens have served the countries of of Hungary and Romania since 1989, sent from Crossroad Baptist Church. There they have worked with the Romani (Gypsy) people, establishing a number of churches, the European Gypsy Bible Institute to train nationals, and a MANNA feeding center for poor and hungry Gypsy children.
Walter & Simone are currently located in Florida, and have started a new ministry working with the Gypsies in the area. They also takes trips to Hungary & Romania to assist in the ministry.